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Jim Harold interviews experts on metaphysics in this PLUS ONLY podcast. For Jim's other PLUS shows, go to

Feb 9, 2022

Hoodoo practitioner and medium Miss Aida joins us to talk about Hoodoo Justice Magic. What is it and why she believes it is so important.

You can find her book on the subject at Amazon: Hoodoo Justice Magic: Spells for Power, Protection and Righteous Vindication

Thanks Miss Aida!


Please note we do not guarantee 100% transcript accuracy. The below reflects a best effort. Thank you for your understanding.

Jim Harold 0:00
Fleeting glimpses of things seen through a veil, darkly. Do we understand the meaning of these visions? Of life? Why we are here and how little of our existence we truly understand? Tonight we will talk about these things on the Other Side.

Welcome to the Other Side. I'm Jim Harold and so glad to be with you today. Today our guest, and she's been on the programs before, is Miss Aida. And her newest book is called Hoodoo Justice Magic: Spells for power, protection, and righteous vindication. Now a very interesting background, born into a Cuban family who practiced Santeria, Palo and Brujeria, Miss Aida is a natural born medium, Santeria initiate, Hoodoo practitioner, and author. She is also a registered nurse and a United States Air Force veteran, and we do appreciate her service for the country. We love all of our veterans. She is a renowned authority on Hoodoo. And she's available for workshops, you can find her website at Miss Aida, welcome back to the programs.

Miss Aida 1:13
Well, hi there. And thank you so much for having me.

Jim Harold 1:16
Yes and again, I want to reiterate, thank you for your service to our country. That's much commended.

Miss Aida 1:23
You're welcome.

Jim Harold 1:23
So Hoodoo Justice Magic? That sounds like a very powerful title in and of itself. What do you mean--well, we'll talk about Hoodoo because you've been on the shows before and I've talked to you and others about Hoodoo and people get that confused with Voodoo. We'll talk about that in a moment. But this phrase, justice magic, what is justice magic?

Miss Aida 1:46
Justice is delivering what was deserved. An equal punishment for the equal crime.

Jim Harold 1:59
Okay, okay. Now, let me ask you this, because some people are gonna, you know, just very honestly, some people might have a problem with this. Because the idea is that, you know, if you have certain powers, they should be used for the good, they should be used for the positive. And maybe some people might interpret this as not being positive, but by being negative. What are your thoughts on that?

Miss Aida 2:22
You know, it's interesting, I am going to tell you a really short story, very short, I promise you, okay. But my husband's family, they were just really nasty people to me. And after my husband died, his cousin was stricken with metastatic cancer. And she went, I didn't talk to the family anymore, because they were just rotten, rotten people. She went to my best friend who was a devout Catholic. And I'm Catholic. So I can say some Catholics will misquote the Bible to kingdom come. And she goes to him and pleads with him to get me to deliver free nursing care to her. And he just shot me up with a lot of guilt, started quoting things from the Bible, and Jesus says to turn the other cheek and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I just, I felt horrible. I was torn. Right? So I was friends with a lot of nuns, and one with Sister Mary Kay. And I went to her and I told her the whole story. And I said, you know, I'm feeling like I ought to help this woman, but I just don't think it's right. And I told her what Tom said that Jesus said, turn the other cheek. Now I'm talking to a Catholic nun, right? These are real big Jesus people. And she lost her temper, she blew up. And she said, "That is a misquotation of the Bible." She said, "God is in every single one of us. And when we allow people to hurt us, we are allowing people to hurt God. And that is the true sin." And I'll never forget that for the rest of my life. So, to answer your question, no, I don't believe that people ought to keep taking beatings. I vehemently disagree. Now there are paths where they'll send goodness and light and I'm not of that path. So I don't roll that way. I roll with give the person exactly what they deserved. Not more, never, never more but give them what they deserve. That's justice.

Jim Harold 4:56
You know, I've just--I'll just throw out kind of my two cents, you know, just so you know where I'm coming from, is--not that that's important, but I'll throw it out there.

Miss Aida 5:05
It's important to me!

Jim Harold 5:06
Just came up the other day, this subject just came up the other day, we were listening to--I was driving my daughter to a place she's volunteering. And an artist came on the radio, and I said, "Oh, you know, I went to a concert with your mom, when we were going out--this is 26, 27 years ago, where this artist was playing." And she had a leather jacket, and she put it on the back of her chair, when everybody was standing up and into the concert, somebody stole it. And I said, you know, I hope that person, whoever stole that, I don't want anything horrible to happen to him, I don't want him to get sick, I don't want him to die. I don't want like that. But I hope somebody takes something from them, that they treasure. Because my wife, you know, we were college kids, didn't have a lot of money. It was, you know, it was like a big thing, that leather jacket. Now I ended up, or she ended up one of us ended up getting a replacement. But it was never the--it was a little different. And it wasn't the same. It was just the idea that something that you had worked for and you wanted--

Miss Aida 6:11

Jim Harold 6:12
--that somebody would just take it just because they thought they liked it. And I felt totally justified in saying, you know what, I hope that somebody takes something, that person, you know, feels strongly about, and takes it from them someday, because they deserve it.

Miss Aida 6:28
That's righteous vindication. That's righteous.

Jim Harold 6:30
Now, do I hope that person gets cancer? Do I hope that person, you know, has some horrible, like, really horrible loss? No, no, I don't. And I personally wouldn't wish that on anybody. But on the other hand, I hope somebody takes her leather jacket someday, or his (laughs).

Miss Aida 6:51
And that's a problem with a lot of people in society. You know, they just feel that they're entitled to things that they haven't worked for.

Jim Harold 7:00
Yeah I've never understood.

Miss Aida 7:02
You know, they want to, yeah, they're entitled to to someone's social status, they're entitled to someone's husband to, to their monetary gains, you know, that they worked their entire--hey, what about these old people? What about these old people who work their entire lives for what they have? And somebody younger comes along and rips them off, then?

Jim Harold 7:28
Yeah, yeah, those people I hope the same thing happens to them. Because that's, that's, that's just unconscionable. That's, that's horrible.

Miss Aida 7:35
I know, but it happens all the time. It happens to a lot of us.

Jim Harold 7:39
It does.

Miss Aida 7:39
You know, scientific research has found that there's a large, large number, and I'm only talking about the United States population. We are increasing in the number of sociopaths. So any, it's--they're estimating 20 to 25% of the population. And, you know, a sociopath--and I've explained this in a couple of books. A psychopath is born this way, you know, where they have all these selfish, you know, and I go on, and I'm not going to give you a medical explanation, it's in my book, but a sociopath is born this way. But, a so--I'm sorry, a psychopath is born that way, their wires are, are wrong. Okay, but sociopaths are made. And, you know, it's environmental. And unfortunately, you know, I'm seeing a lot a lot of societal dismissals of inappropriate behaviors. Sometimes it's not even a dismissal. It's almost like an applaud.

Jim Harold 8:50
So, let me ask about the question of karma. Is it something where the universe takes care of it? You know, if you do ill onto someone that that eventually comes back to you? Or is it necessary to put in a little help to help the universe deal out that karma?

Miss Aida 9:11
Okay, that's, that's a very good question. And sometimes I get very irritated because I have seen people wrong others and continuously do it on an ongoing basis. And nothing happens to them. And I get sick and tired of hearing, "Oh, well, don't worry. They'll pay for it after you know, when they die, you know, then they got to face God." Well, how do I know that? How do I know that? Because in my Catholic upbringing, I was taught that if you--when you die, if you die, in my case, it's I'm never going to die (laughs). But it'd be like, you know it--it's like, we're taught that if you ask God for forgiveness, He will forgive you. You know, which which brings me to Hitler, it's like, you know, that one I don't get, but it's like, I don't feel, or the victim doesn't feel that there was justice because we don't know what happened. Right? And I also believe that some people, many people are protected by negative if not evil entities. So when we talk about karma, yeah, I mean, sometimes people will get theirs. Sometimes it will happen, but many times it doesn't. And that's my strong belief, Jim.

Jim Harold 10:39
Now, before we get into specific types of Hoodoo justice magic, maybe we should backtrack a little and talk about Hoodoo itself. Because I think people think Hoodoo is the same thing with Voodoo and they don't even really understand what Voodoo is. But Hoodoo is something very specific. If you had to give a two or three minute crash course on what Hoodoo is, could you give us a little mini version of that?

Miss Aida 11:05
Sure. Um, first of all, I'm not a Voodoo practitioner although I am an initiate of Santeria. Santeria is very close to to Voodoo. But I not a Voodoo practitioner, cause I can't speak on Voodoo I just know it's a beautiful religion. But Voodoo is an African traditional religion. So it's a religion, right? Whereas Hoodoo is an African derivative tradition. It's a folkloric magical practice. And the difference between Santeria and Voodoo and Hoodoo, aside from Santeria and Voodoo being--and others, okay, there's there's other religions, African traditional religions. Um, the, let me let me the rituals, the rituals, if you will, they're kind of written in stone, right. And in Hoodoo, it's not. Hoodoo is forever evolving. It just continuously evolves. And Hoodoo incorporates, obviously, the African traditions, because it started here in the States when the slaves were brought from Africa to the United States. But it also incorporates Judeo Christian beliefs and practices. It incorporates Asian magical practices. It incorporates European magical practices, Native American, and it's forever evolving. And what I love about Hoodoo and what I hated about Santeria, and Palo, is there are no animal sacrifices. And I love that, and that's why I migrated to Hoodoo.

Jim Harold 13:00
Now in your book, you talk about Hoodoo, and you ask the question, what's your strategy? I mean, what would--how would you have a strategy with Hoodoo? Where does strategy come into play?

Miss Aida 13:13
Strategy ought to be incorporated when you're about to practice any type of spellwork, or magical practice, and whether it be Hoodoo or anything, there's got to be a strategy. you have to make sure that your petitions are written properly, that your petitions aren't--or your verbal commands, if you will, have to be stated properly. Otherwise, you can have repercussions. You have to think about the type of spells that you perform. And you have to think about what are the consequences of each spell? So there's got to be some sort of a strategy. When am I going to perform this spellwork? What's the ideal day of the week? What is the ideal moon face? Who are the targets? If I'm going to place the spell on a person, does that person have a family? Will those people be affected? And I just talked about this yesterday or the day before on a radio show that--and I gave this example and I'm going to give it to you and I also have it in my book. When you don't have a proper strategy. Everything ought to be strategic as if you are about to enter a war zone. Right? You have to have a strategy. Soldiers just don't enter a war zone. Right? They think about this, they have that, they have maps, they figure out the consequences, they can't b*** this area because there's civilians there. You know, everything has to be strategized. The same applies to spellwork. Now, this woman, she, her husband left her for another woman, and she wanted her husband back desperately, you know, she had children, and she had even a toddler. And improper strategy or lack of a strategy. She petitioned to whatever she petitioned. And she said that she wanted her husband back, no matter what.

Jim Harold 15:49

Miss Aida 15:49
No matter what. And her toddler went out in the street and was killed by a car.

Jim Harold 15:58
Oh my gosh.

Miss Aida 15:59
And guess what? Her husband came back. Why did he come back? He came back for the funeral.

Jim Harold 16:05
How sad.

Miss Aida 16:06
Did she say, "I want him to come back and be, you know, my husband again and live with me?" No, she didn't do that. Did she, you know, why would she say at all costs? Improper strategy or lack of a strategy.

Jim Harold 16:23
So it's almost a little bit, kind of like, is it fair to say it's like playing with fire? In other words, or a loaded weapon? I mean, it's so powerful that you have to be extremely careful how you, how you, how you use it, or else you kind of fear for becoming like, The Twilight Zone, you know--

Miss Aida 16:44
Exactly. Exactly.

Jim Harold 16:45
--where the person, you know, sells his soul to the devil, and gets the live, you know, immortally, but they get life in prison because they killed somebody or something.

Miss Aida 16:54
Right, exactly. And I said, I was invited somewhere. And I had written a book called Cursing and Crossing, and you know, Catherine Yronwode, she was my publisher at that time, she wanted a book on that. And I told people, you know, at the presentation, I said, "This is like giving a loaded weapon to each and every one of you. So be careful, be very careful. And just don't start shooting randomly."

Jim Harold 17:24
That's the other thing--

Miss Aida 17:25
Another example too, Jim, of improper strategy. Or another reason that I wrote about strategy is, you need to take time to think about this, okay? Because I'm telling you, sometimes people upset me so much, so much. What's my first reaction? I want this person dead. Okay, I don't really mean that, you know?

Jim Harold 17:52

Miss Aida 17:53
When I place spells on people for personal reasons, I wait at least a month or two. And when that happens, either I'll forget about it. Or I'm strategizing. And I'm not angry. But there were two circumstances, and I've written about these in other books, I don't know which books I've written about it. But there was one circumstance where this girl was very, very angry, because she hurt--the man that she loved left her for another woman. Now, that other woman was innocent. That woman didn't know she was with my client. She didn't know anything about it, right?

Jim Harold 18:39

Miss Aida 18:40
So she puts a spell on that woman. That woman is the victim. That woman is innocent. And she, you know, out of anger, anger, and nothing else. She didn't stop to think about it. She just impetuously started. And she was a very, very powerful person. And son of a gun, that girl died.

Jim Harold 19:02
Oh, my Lord.

Miss Aida 19:02
Okay? And what happens? Now, I got to hear about this and you know, she looks at me, I love you, sweetheart. But you know, this is a teaching opportunity and a learning experience for people. You know, I got to hear about this for months and months and months and months. And I got to help her overcome the guilt and the sickness that she felt. And to this day, she's still not quite over it. There was another circumstance where a girl did not strategize properly. She's no longer a client of mine, but, um, her boyfriend left her and, you know, again, improper strategy or not strategize. And she wanted this guy to suffer horrendously because she felt that she was suffering, right? She didn't think about what she was saying. But she just went on and on and on about how, how much she wanted him to suffer. And he came home and found his girlfriend dead on his bed.

Jim Harold 20:12

Miss Aida 20:13
So that's why we talk about strategy. You've got to strategize. You got to think about, you know, are you b***ing the innocent civilians in the villages? Or are you b****ing the right targets? Get what I'm saying?


Jim Harold 20:30
Mmhm. So your magic should be very pinpointed and very direct, is what you're saying.

Miss Aida 20:37
Right. Exactly. And I give examples in the book, you know, how to write proper petitions. And I give example of improper petitions, and you know, just to throw this in, and it has nothing to do with what you're asking me, is, you know, avoid saying, I need I want, I desire, I have to have, I wish, because when that spell manifests, you won't get what you want. Instead, you'll want it for the rest of your life, you'll wish it for the rest of your life, you'll need it for the rest of your life, and so on and so on. So, I also give examples of that also. You know, be--you have to be very specific. Now, people laugh at the Wiccans because you know, their creed is--part of their creed. I don't know the entire creed. It's beautiful. But if it harm, none, do as you will. And, you know, part of that for me, I like it because in the petition, you ought to say, without harming others.

Jim Harold 21:42
Interesting, interesting. Now, how common are negative spells? I mean, you know, it's kind of maybe a little intimidating, or maybe a little scary for us who don't practice magic to think that there might be people out there casting spells on us. And maybe, you know, we've occasionally made a mistake and cut somebody off in traffic or something, but we're generally good people. Do we have to be afraid that there are people out there just because they don't like us or whatever, might be out there casting spells against us?

Miss Aida 22:15
Well, you know what, Jim? That's a very good question. Because how many times have we delivered the evil eye or the evil has been bestowed upon us? That is a spell. Whether someone does it intentionally or unintentionally, if I look at you on the--you know, I gotta tell you, something happens to me a lot, because I'm such a slow driver that old men with hats on pass me up and give me the finger.

Jim Harold 22:44

Miss Aida 22:44
I've always--my entire life, okay? You know, if they look directly at me and give me the finger, they're inadvertently giving me the evil eye because they're thinking and outputting negative energy. So that goes back to my book, Hoodoo cleansing and protection magic, you know, there's ways to get rid of that, and when you do, you got to get rid of it immediately or else it piles on, right? But it happens all the time. And if you're talking about formal curses, and cross, you know, crossing or negative spellwork, if it's formal rituals, or whatever, I think it happens on an ongoing basis. And it just depends on what part of the world you live in, or what part of the state you live in (dog barks) and I'm sorry, I have two brand new German Shepherd puppies.

Jim Harold 23:38
Oh, that's great. That's not a problem, we love dogs around here. So that's just okay. I know our audience loves dogs. My youngest--my oldest dog who is actually the little dog just had a bunch of dental work done so--

Miss Aida 23:52

Jim Harold 23:54
--yeah. He's doing really well though. He's doing really well. Teddy, if everybody out there knows him, my listeners, but we love dogs here. So if somebody has a dog that starts barking or something, and they start apologizing, we're like, no, no, no, no, we're, we're, we're of the same mind here. We know what it's like, no problem whatsoever.

Miss Aida 24:11
Yeah, they just turned nine weeks old.

Jim Harold 24:13
We love the four foots around here.

Miss Aida 24:15
Okay, that's wonderful. That is absolutely wonderful. I love all the animals. I wish I could own all the animals on the planet and just have this great big land with all these animals, and they can just run free and they're not allowed to hurt each other.

Jim Harold 24:30
That sounds like a great thing. Now in that subtitle, Miss Aida, you talk about protection. And you mentioned that earlier, the idea of protection. Where do protective spells and protection come into play in regard to Hoodoo justice magic?

Miss Aida 24:47
Okay, so, you know, I have way over 100 spells in there. And I also have prayers in the book, I'd like to discuss that also. But, um, you need to protect yourself because negative spells don't backfire that that is hearsay, right? But what happens is you're in the line of fire. So you're outputting negative energies. And it's going to cling to you. And it's going to cling to, you know, the environment. So you need to protect yourself before performing these type of spells. In fact, you need--one needs to protect themselves when they're performing love spells, too. I can't tell you, the hundreds and hundreds of times I have heard, you know, "I did this love spell on John Doe." And obviously, it's not John Doe. But that's Jane Doe and John Doe are my favorite people. So anyway, "I did this, this spell on John Doe. And all of a sudden, I'm more in love with him." Well, you know, that's because that person was in the line of fire. So when you're performing spells that exposes you to that energy, you need to protect yourself, right? And I'm very clear on how to do that. And I'm also very clear about cleansing the workspace afterwards because it'll retain that energy. And I want to go back to the positive magic for a minute. So--

Jim Harold 26:25

Miss Aida 26:25
Let's just say I did a love spell on John Doe. I hope there is no John Doe, because one of these days he's gonna find me and beat me up.

Jim Harold 26:37
(Laughs) Then you'll have to put a, put a justice magic spell on him.

Miss Aida 26:40
(Laughs) Yeah, that's true! So, and this has happened. Again, I'm not I'm not making this stuff up. If I were to put a spell on John Doe, and I did it in--in an area, right? And I didn't cleanse afterwards, and the spell has been completed. And what happens every time I go into that area, I feel more love for John Doe. That's because those energies are still sticking around. They're outputted. They're obviously outputted. But there's still particles that remain in the area. So the same applies with with negative spellwork, too. So cleansing and protection is very, very important when performing most types of spells obviously if I'm, I'm doing a success spell, no, no, I'm not gonna cleanse myself because I want part of that action too. I've noticed that when I do uncrossing spells on on effigies,

Jim Harold 27:45
Mm hmm.

Miss Aida 27:46
That I will pray Psalm 37, and it's got 40 verses and it's like, forever and ever, ever. Right. So anyway, the interesting thing is, although I don't advocate for uncrossing with effegies, I advocate for people uncrossing themselves or doing it with the practitioner in person, but it's interesting, Jim, that every single time I have to pray Psalm 37 aloud for 13 days in a row while I'm uncrossing the effigy. And every single time that I do this, I come into money.

Jim Harold 28:26
Interesting, interesting.

Miss Aida 28:27
Yeah, and I have all this good luck and it's like, okay, it is--Psalm 37 is an uncrossing prayer, but there seems to be all this other good stuff associated with it too, you know. And I do have a lot of Psalms in the book for those people that--and prayers for people that are afraid to perform magic. Well, I've got prayers in there. I've got prayers, I've got Psalms, and there's all kinds of, you know, Psalms of the, of the Hebrew Bible in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Psalms are just spells, they're spells, it's a spell book. So there are actually Psalms designed for cursing and crossing. And what I love love about them is, you know, I always say and you'll read it in the book, that you tell God what happened. Because remember, what did God say, "Revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord," right? So you're saying the Psalm, you're telling God what happened and you know, if it's if it's justified, more often than not, God will get them for what they did to you, you know, how they've harmed you. I've got Psalms in there for everything. I got Psalms in there--there's Psalms and prayers in there for people who are scapegoats of group bullies, of individual bullies. I've got every imaginable situation in there. So if you don't want to perform a spell, I've got a zillion prayers in there also. 39 to be specific.

Jim Harold 30:09
Now in terms of just Hoodoo in general, and it could be this branch, or this could be the more kind of positive spells and so forth. What are kind of the tools of the trade? I know you talk about spells, I know you talk about candles a lot in this book, what kind of physical implements do you use to practice Hoodoo?

Miss Aida 30:32
The beauty of Hoodoo, think about it. Back in the olden days, when, when the slaves were brought here, right, they had nothing. They had nothing, they had to work with whatever was available to them. One of the interesting spells that I have in there is a butter effigy. It's a, it's an effigy made of butter, right. So these slaves were, were forced to churn butter, right. And they'd take some of that butter and they'd mold it into the image of their master. Right and, and then they would burn the butter. Right? So they worked with what they had. Your altar, your altar can be anything. Your altar can be the ground. And nothing against other practitioners because other practitioners can have some beautiful, elaborate altars, and I just love them. And I, I just do roll with envy, right. But in Hoodoo, it's--use the ground! You got a barbecue grill, if you're doing something negative, use a barbecue grill. Use whatever you got. Those tools of the trade are basically herbs and roots, and whatever is available to you. Well, I do have, you know, a specific chapter on candles, and how to understand your candles intimately. And I have covered, and I've been complimented a zillion times, I have covered--because I don't read other people's work, okay, I don't do that, I only write from how I practice. And I write about candle magic, the way I've interacted with them for over 40 years. You're going to find things in there that no other book has. And aside from the candles, that would cost you some money, it's not necessary. Now if you're doing contact magic, what is contact magic? Contact magic is something that either directly or indirectly, you know, comes face to face with the client or with the target or indirectly. So it can be somebody I can throw on the ground that they can walk on, you know, that's contact magic. These type of things are called laying tricks, right? Fancy name, okay. And you could have it in a, in a tree or near a tree, if they pass it by it's still contact magic. That requires nothing. So tools of the trade can be anything, most of your tools of the trade you can find in the kitchen (laughs).

Interesting indeed. Now, if somebody says, you know, I'm interested in Hoodoo, but I'm not maybe, I'm not ready for this justice magic side. I'd like to keep to kind of the kind of positive side, positive spells. Is that valid? I mean, can they just say--

Absolutely. Absolutely.

Jim Harold 33:40
Yeah, "I just want to stick to that side of the house."

Miss Aida 33:58
Yeah, absolutely. I know a lot of Voodoo practitioners that refuse to practice negative magic, and that's what you get with what do they call them, two headed doctors, you know, because a lot of Hoodoo practitioners are called doctors, right? And the two headed or two handed, those are people that practice both positive and negative. I'm a two headed I just, I just don't like those fancy terms, right?

Jim Harold 34:28

Miss Aida 34:28
I'm just me. You know, I mean, but it is--there's some Sheriff, he's not alive anymore. He wrote about magic because he dealt with it. Something, something County I can't remember. But he said if you're too handed or two handed, that your magic is weaker. That's not true. That is absolutely not true. But there are some people that believe that and so they only stick to the positive magic.

Jim Harold 34:57
Now, what is one of your favorite--and this doesn't have to be on the negative side, it can be on either side. What's one of your favorite anecdotes of where Hoodoo really came through in a major way?

Miss Aida 35:14
Oh, gee.

Jim Harold 35:15
It's like asking your favorite child, right?

Miss Aida 35:19
Okay, I got a simple one. I got a simple one. So, one of my clients, well she wasn't a client at the time, it was a girl. I used to be the administrator of a very popular forum, and she could not--you know I'm also a registered nurse, as you well know, and I have a master's degree. And doggone it, she could not pass her nursing exams, you know, and she was just terrified. And I thought to myself, "Hmm, let me try this." Now, I will tell you that if I do something experimental, I never charge the person ever. Never. Okay, because it's an experiment. And I put together, I concocted oil. And I put my hair in it, right?

Jim Harold 36:13

Miss Aida 36:14
So that my nursing knowledge would infuse into this oil. She applied that oil. Went for her nursing exams again, and passed them with flying colors. That one blew me away, that one because that was an experiment.

Jim Harold 36:31
Oh, that's really cool. That's, that's very cool. Indeed. What do you think the most misunderstood thing is about Hoodoo, what do people not get?

Miss Aida 36:43
What is misunderstood about Hoodoo?

Jim Harold 36:45

Miss Aida 36:48
I think that the media has caused a lot of misunderstandings of hoodoo, Voodoo, Santeria, Wicca, etc, etc. Okay, we are not the bad guys, folks. I'm sorry. We are not the bad guys. And I think that's the basic misunderstanding. The major major misunderstanding is, people believe that Voodoo is evil when Voodoo is actually a beautiful religion. And because Voodoo and Hoodoo sound alike, you know, they you associate the two together. Now I do believe that it in New Orleans, there is a practice of Voodoo slash Hoodoo. I'm not familiar with it. But, again, there's that misunderstanding, all magical practices are evil. Well, you know, let me tell you someday when you pray in a church, you are casting a spell. When you light a candle to a saint and do a novena, and pray to the saints, you know, heal my mother, whatever. Hey, you know what? That's just another fancy name for a spell.

Jim Harold 38:09
Well, it's been a great discussion with Miss Aida. We've talked about Hoodoo justice magic and she has this book and other books as well. Miss Aida, where can they find this book, all of your books, and more information about all of your work?

Miss Aida 38:22
Okay, so you can go to my website,, m i s s a i d I do free half hour live events on every other Sunday on my Facebook page, which is Miss Aida Psychic. And you can go to that page, like the page, you can see all the videos up there. I give free magical coaching. And to find my books, they're available in bookstores, you can just go to Amazon and type in Miss Aida. And you'll see four books there.

Jim Harold 38:58
Well, very interesting, indeed. Very interesting. Indeed. Miss Aida, thank you so much for joining us on the program. I appreciate it.

Miss Aida 39:08
Well, thank you so very much for having me. It's always a joy speaking with you. You're a breath of fresh air.

Jim Harold 39:14
Thank you very much for that and thank you for tuning into the program. We appreciate it. And we'll talk to you next time. Have a great week everybody. Bye bye.

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